
VI are 2017 MKBAA Finalists!

Posted by Jacqui on 27th February 2017

On Friday, Evolution visited the Visual Identity offices to film the VI team for the MKBAA nominee videos.


MKBAA Finalists Design & Creativity

Visual Identity is delighted to report that we have made it through to the finalist stage. This two-stage process is to be a finalist in the Design & Creativity category.

The Milton Keynes Business Achievement Awards ceremony will take place on Thursday, 9th March 2017. The MK business community will celebrate the successes of Milton Keynes‘ business community at The DoubleTree by Hilton and Stadium: MK.

The awards evening is a black-tie event. The net proceeds go to a fund to foster fledgling businesses, administered by the Milton Keynes Community Foundation.

The judging panel was reported to say…

“Judging day was a long one, with much debate and discussion around the entries. The judges had a tough job selecting this year’s finalists. The quality of the second round entries was extremely high.”

Our Managing Director, Jacqui Newham Wilkins, said:

“We are absolutely delighted to be nominated. Good luck to all the finalists who have made it through to the final. We are excited to potentially add to our growing list of awards.”

MKBAA Finalists Design & Creativity Video

The video about Visual Identity, featuring our MD, was shown in the evening.

MKBAA Award nomineeMKBAA award finalist

MKBAA #DesignAndCreativity #VIVisualIdentity #MKBusinessAwards #VisualIdentity #CreativeExcellence #BusinessSuccess #Finalists #DesignAgency #AwardNominees #MiltonKeynesBusiness