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How to develop a match-winning website

Posted by Jacqui on 14th July 2024

What to consider when building a visually appealing and technically rich website.

As the UEFA Euro 2024 final approaches, the excitement for football is more apparent. Whether you’re rooting for England or another team, the principles that make a football team successful can also be applied to website development.

The Visual Identity team is very passionate about football, with each of us rooting for our preferred team. It is this passion that influences our approach to developing superior websites. We understand that just as a football team needs a well-coordinated front line and a solid defence. A new match-winning website development that requires a seamless front end and a robust back end.

We explore how different aspects of website development can be likened to the beautiful game of football, and how our dedication to our favourite sport is an inspiration to how we approach this service and the reason why this sets us apart.

Establish a match-winning game plan

Right from the kick-off, having a clear strategy is crucial. Similarly, your website needs a defined purpose and goals, much like a team‘s game plan.

Go for goal: Just as a team sets its sights on winning the match, you need to establish the goals for your website. Who is your target audience? What do you want visitors to achieve when they visit your site? Answering these questions ensures your website is more than just a digital placeholder.

“Fail to prepare, preapre to fail”

– Roy Keane

Your winning strike force – Our front-end developers

In football, the front line consists of the attackers – the players who score goals and create opportunities. Similarly, in website development, the front end is all about creating an engaging and interactive user experience.

In the back of the net: Just like strikers aim to score goals, UI designers aim to create visually appealing and intuitive designs that captivate users.

It’s all about creating chances: Our wingers provide assists and create opportunities. Front-end developers use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to bring the design to life, ensuring it works seamlessly across different devices and browsers.

The midfield always plays a vital role

Midfielders are the backbone of any football team, linking the defence and the attack. In website development, this role is played by full-stack developers, they are the engine room, working on both the front end and the back end.

The role of playmakers (full-stack developers): Just as playmakers control the game, full-stack developers manage the flow of data between the user interface and the server, ensuring everything works harmoniously.

Creating a defensive stronghold: Creating a digital fortress

A strong defence is crucial for any football team, preventing the opposition from scoring. Similarly, the back end of a website ensures that everything runs smoothly behind the scenes.

Keeping a clean sheet (back-end developers): These players are the last line of defence, just like back-end developers who manage the server, database, and application logic.

You’re in safe hands (database administrator): The goalkeeper protects the goal, much like a database administrator protects and manages the data, ensuring it’s secure and efficiently stored.

Build a solid formation: The importance of a match-winning website structure

Football teams use various tactics to out-manoeuvre their opponents. Similarly, the structure of a website and its SEO strategy are crucial for attracting and retaining users.

Choosing the best formation (match-winning website structure): Different formations in football can be likened to different website architectures. A well-structured website ensures that users can easily navigate and find the information they need.

Employing winning tactics (SEO strategy): Just as football managers devise strategies to win matches, SEO experts develop strategies to improve a website’s visibility on search engines, driving organic traffic.

Smooth play wins so perfect website usability

Usability is key in football and websites alike. Your site should be easy to navigate, just like a football field should be easy for players to move around.

Perfect seamless passing (usability): If your site is difficult to navigate, users will drop off faster than a misplaced pass. Ensure your site is responsive, intuitive, and user-friendly across all devices.

Win over your fans with user-driven design

Just as football teams play for their fans, your website should always be designed with your users in mind.

Enhance fan engagement (user focus): Your site should be accessible, visually appealing, and functional, ensuring that visitors stay engaged and find what they need without hassle. Use effective calls to action to keep the conversation going.

“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it‘s much more serous that than”

– Bill Shankly

How to manage the play and navigation

In football, a clear game plan and communication are vital. Similarly, your website’s navigation should guide users effortlessly.

The manager’s tactics (navigation): Develop a clear site map and use intuitive navigation to ensure users know exactly where to go. Avoid too many clicks to get to important information, akin to keeping passes short and direct.

Learn to adapt to the modern game

With most people accessing websites via mobile devices, your site needs to be mobile-first, much like modern footballers need to be adaptable.

Choosing the right formation (mobile-first design): Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, with a responsive design that adjusts to different screen sizes. This is your way of keeping up with the fast pace of the digital game.

Be sure your website is kitted out!

Branding in web design is like the football team’s kit – it represents who you are and what you stand for. The kit is instantly recognised and unites fans, players and staff under one banner.

Wearing the team colours (branding): Your website should reflect your brand’s personality and voice. Use consistent brand colours, fonts, and imagery to create a cohesive look and feel that resonates with your audience.

“It’s not about the name on the back of the shirt, it’s about the badge on the front.“

– David Beckham

Control the field and maintain possession

Content is the heart of your website, just as ball possession is crucial in football. Just like holding up the ball in play content management is key to maintaining control and directing the flow of your site.

Develop your ball control (content management): Your content should be engaging, informative, and regularly updated. Use a robust content management system (CMS) to keep everything organised and accessible.

Deploy the best tactics

SEO is like analysing match footage – it helps you understand what’s working and what needs improvement to make your website match-winning.

Studying the game (SEO and analytics): Optimise your site for search engines with strategic keywords, quality content, and effective links. Use analytics to track performance and make data-driven decisions.

Create clinical conversions

Calls to action are the equivalent of taking shots on goal – they’re essential for leads and conversions.

Taking the shot (calls to action): Make your calls to action clear and compelling. Use contrasting colours and strategic placement to guide users towards making a purchase, signing up, or any other desired action.

“You don’t play football with your feet you play it with your heart.”

 – Alessandro Del Piero

Let’s talk tactics

Visual Identity has a solid team with experts in every discipline, ensuring that every aspect of your website is handled with the utmost precision and creativity. As an agency, we deliver not only technically rich websites but also beautifully crafted, immersive experiences that captivate and engage your audience.

Our passion for excellence and our commitment to your success are evident in every project we undertake. Just like a top football team, we play with high intensity and passion, aiming to exceed your expectations at every turn. With Visual Identity, you’re not just getting a match-winning website; you’re getting a dedicated partner committed to achieving your goals.

Whether you’re looking to kick off a new match-winning website project or make improvements to an existing one, we bring the perfect blend of strategy, design, and technical expertise to ensure your online presence is as powerful and dynamic as a winning football team. Get in touch with us today and let’s score that hat-trick together!

Scoring a hat-trick: You can have it all with VI

By applying these football-inspired principles to your website development, you can create a site that not only looks great but also performs flawlessly, ensuring a winning experience for all users. There’s no penalty to using Vi – so, let’s take a leaf out of the football playbook and aim for digital success together!

Bring it home! All at VI wish England the best of luck in the Euros.

“Football is not just a game; it’s an art form. You have to be creative, think outside the box, and always be one step ahead of your opponent.”

– Ronaldinho

Contact Jacqui today!
T: 01908 665537