
Celebrating all things MK

Posted by Jacqui on 2nd May 2019

#LoveMK day!

Today, we are celebrating MK. Milton Keynes has been home to our MD and her family since 1964. Her parents were ’pioneering’ settlers. Initially, it was only a small number of London residents encouraged to move out of London to the ‘new City’. Encouraged to begin a new way of life for their families.

1964: her family lived in southwest London. Her parents became part of a small cohort of people encouraged to move out of London. This was to find a better lifestyle just 60 miles north in the rural countryside. As ‘Test Bed’ settlers to the new town of Bletchley. This offered her parents a new start, better housing and job prospects.

Bletchley in the 1960s

Milton Keynes was first designated by Parliament in 1967. This approved the development of a new community. That consisted of 250,000 people covering 8,850 hectares (21,869 acres) of Buckinghamshire farmland and villages. MK was built to ease the housing shortages. This was to alleviate the overcrowding in London created by post-war Britain. Its founding principles were for an ‘attractive’ town that offered ‘greater opportunity and freedom of choice’.

Now, over 50 years later, Milton Keynes has become known as ‘The 20th Century New Town’. It has also been the home for Jacqui’s family for over 50 years. It has offered many opportunities for these pioneers and the generations that have followed. In addition, it has allowed Visual Identity to grow and thrive for nearly 30 years.

Therefore, VI would like to take this opportunity to thank the numerous Milton Keynes based customers, businesses, organisations and partners that we’ve worked with over this time.

It is with great love and appreciation that we celebrate all things good about MK. We encourage everyone to enjoy and get involved in #LoveMK today!